Promote yourself

Displaying your QR code eliminates the hassle of having to explain anything to anyone – Just keep some business cards on hand and put up a poster nearby.

Users also have the option of searching for you via the app’s search engine but the QR code remains the most effective tool to not only guide users to find your profile, but also to download Emsi from the App Store or Play Store.

An assortment of print-outs customized with your DJ name and QR code will be sent to you via email after you sign up. Check them out below!


Use these posters to promote yourself wherever you are playing music! We suggest to post them around the DJ booth, at the entrance, restrooms or any other area with high traffic.


Use these posters to promote yourself wherever you are playing music! We suggest to post them around the DJ booth, at the entrance, restrooms or any other area with high traffic.

Business Cards

Hand out to anyone going past the posters and still approaching your DJ booth. It is an easy and contactless way to guide anyone to your profile. These cards will do the explaining for you!

Business Cards

Hand out to anyone going past the posters and still approaching your DJ booth. It is an easy and contactless way to guide anyone to your profile. These cards will do the explaining for you!

Table Qr code

These stickers are a subtle and effective promotional tool for venues with many tables or a VIP section

Table QR codes

These stickers are a subtle and effective promotional tool for venues with many tables or a VIP section


Emsi Apparel will be available soon! Promote yourself on Emsi with our stylish t-shirts and hoodies. 


Emsi Apparel will be available soon! Promote yourself on Emsi with our stylish t-shirts and hoodies.